Job satisfaction.....

When a job is done with utmost interest and commitment, no other enjoyment is equivalent to it. I believe, if we do a thing with real interest and true commitment it will be a success always. Realizing the final outcome of that effort will be amazing. Satisfaction got from the output of such a job can't be compared with any thing else. More than just a mere job it will be a personal bond with life. It will become the first priority in life. All these are not realized when things move in the right path.

When some thing wrong happens unfortunately and all the efforts go off with out any gain.....nothing is bad as like’s not so easy to accept such things to happend....


praphul said…
Very true.

Did you read the books 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull' or 'Fountainhead'? The whole book can be explained in one single word: passion.

Well, I think we should detach ourselves with the output; as enjoying the process/doing itself gives us joy.
Peerlessdeepak said…
We all strive hard cursing the todaysss
To Create a better tommorrow..
And will realise tommorrow that
yesterday has been sweeter and pleasant than the todays today

So better enjoy your today before it becomes yesterday!!!!!!!

Might be confusing and seem like a blabber but it has lot of meanings and we all live against it!!!
Once we synchronise ourselves with the present then everything should be pleasant ..But thats not that easy...

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