
Showing posts from October, 2008

Design Patterns - Command Pattern

As said in the last post, here I'm starting with my first post on Design Pattern implementation in Java. A Small Intro On Core Design Patterns:         Many define Pattern with different statements. The most common one: pattern is a solution for common and reoccurring design issue. The term Pattern was coined by Christopher Alexander in his book, "A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, and Construction" . GoF classified patterns based on Purpose and Scope. Purpose criteria classifies patterns based on what the pattern does:         1)Creational patterns - dealts with object Creation         2)Structural patterns - composition of class and objects,         3)Behavioral patterns - responsibility of class and objects. Scope classifies based on where it applies to : class or object. Let me start my series on Design patterns with one...

Blogging on Technology

I thought of having my technical thoughts out of this and so created one for that long back. Tried to have it as a team blog and it didn't worked out. So back again here for my technical thoughts too. Being in to yet another software servicing company in India, no need to say part of my work is in to AMS and some times in to ADM. As far I've witnessed so far in this AMS/ADM industry, people's curiosity to learn upcoming technology (especially in the open source area) dies day by day until and unless it is needed in their day-to-day work. That triggered me the thought of writing few things about what I know or which I learn or wish to learn. A snap shot of my to-blog list:        1) Core design patterns implementation in Java        2) RMI and CORBA        3) Add-ONs used in basic Java application     ...

Sachin & Sensex

Sachin and Sensex used to hit records together. Latest of Sachin: Highest scorer in test cricket and the latest in the Bombay Stock Exchange, sensex plunged below10K, both happened on the same day.Similarly when Sachin crossed 15K mark in his ODI career, Sensex too crossed 15K. On that day, TOI published the milestones in the front page: Most of time, its like when Sachin did well Sensex flattered, when Sachin slumped Sensex rocked.Hope this time, Sensex will catchup with Sachin soon!!