
Showing posts from 2005

The language of e-business: 10 tech terms from 2004

It seems like internet brings new words in to the world every now and then. The language of e-business: 10 tech terms from 2004 ..... I read this article in a web portal. This is a collection of few of those techno-jargons. It's quite intresting...... Bangalored - If your hot IT job is outsourced to India, you've been "Bangalored". Blog - Amazingly enough, there are still people that don't know what a blog is. According to Merriam-Webster, "blog" topped the list of words that people looked up at its site in 2004. Gatesed - If you encounter one of the unfortunate side-effects of using Microsoft technology, you've been "Gatesed." In typical IT usage, "If it Gatesed (BSOD), you were SOL. Hot spot - Some people think that hot spots have something to do with the origins of volcanoes, while others think they are just the preferred lounge locations for cats and dogs. In the world of IT, though, the term refers to places that have wireless In...